Priya Malay Sheth vs. VLCC Health Care Ltd

Citation: Commercial Arbitration Application No. 3094 of 2022 Facts of the case: The application before the Bombay High Court is a S. 11 application for appointment of an arbitral tribunal under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (hereinafter as “Arbitration Act”) for deciding the dispute that has arisen between the parties. Respondent – VLCC Applicant – […]

Trademark application for the slogan “Party Like Gatsby” gets rejected in Singapore

Through this piece, we intend to become a resource for you by providing frequent updates on the Intellectual Property Right Law and hope that you find this information helpful.
In a recent decision given by the Delhi High Court it was ruled that ‘if the keywords used by someone to promote their business are already trademarked by a competitor, then it will lead to the violation of the competitor’s rights.’ It can be observed through the aforementioned rule that the judiciary strives towards maintaining a balance between providing protection to the Intellectual property right holders and the promotion/development of art, culture and technology in the country.
The following judgments throw light upon the international jurisprudence with respect to ‘infringement’ in the field of trademark, copyright, patent and design. It emphasizes the methods in which the courts have scrutinized the facts and aimed to protect the palpable human creations and ideas.

Protection for individual words used in a registered trademark

Through this piece, we intend to become a resource for you by providing frequent updates on the Intellectual Property Right Law and hope that you find this information helpful.
In a recent decision given by the Delhi High Court it was ruled that ‘if the keywords used by someone to promote their business are already trademarked by a competitor, then it will lead to the violation of the competitor’s rights.’ It can be observed through the aforementioned rule that the judiciary strives towards maintaining a balance between providing protection to the Intellectual property right holders and the promotion/development of art, culture and technology in the country.
The following judgments throw light upon the domestic and international jurisprudence with respect to ‘infringement’ in the field of trademark, copyright, patent and design. It emphasizes the methods in which the courts have scrutinized the facts and aimed to protect the palpable human creations and ideas.

Gujarat Housing Board & Anr. VS. Vandemataram Projects Private Limited

Citation – Civil Appeal No. 2093/2022 Judgment date – 21.03.2022 Facts of the case: In the month of January 2018, the Gujarat Housing Board (“Appellant“) issued the Mukhya Mantri Gruh Yojna tender for the planning, design, and construction of flat type, high-rise buildings/commercial units for various income groups in Ahmedabad, Vadodara Division. Vandemataram Projects Private […]

Trade Marking The Golden Foil Wrapper Of Lindt’s Chocolate Bunny

One of the products of the Lindt and Sprüngli group (Plaintiff) is the “Lindt-Goldhase” (Lindt Gold Bunny). It is a sitting chocolate bunny wrapped in a golden foil packaging. They have been using the same shade of gold foil since 1994. In 2018, the Plaintiff became aware of a competitor, Heilemann (Defendant), who also manufactures […]

UHL Power Company Ltd. Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh

Facts of the case: A sole arbitrator had awarded a sum of Rupees 26,08,89,107.35/- in favour of UHL Power Company Ltd. (“UHL”) towards expenses claimed along with pre-claim interest capitalized annually, on the expenses so incurred in the year 2005. Compound interest was awarded in favour of UHL as well at the rate of 9% […]